Sticky Notepad Set - Fully Known, Fully Loved

ITEM: P0277

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4 units
Adhesive Paper/Cardstock
6.75" W x 4" H, 40 sheets
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Adhesive Paper/Cardstock
6.75" W x 4" H, 40 sheets

Introducing our inspiring sticky notepad set, featuring the profound message of Psalm 139:2 - 'Fully Known, Fully Loved - You Have Searched Me, Lord, And You Know Me.'

Each sticky note in this collection is a daily reminder of the deep understanding and unwavering love the Divine has for you.

  • Use these sticky notes to capture your thoughts, reminders, and heartfelt messages, surrounded by the comforting embrace of this meaningful verse.
  • Elevate your daily notes with faith and love. Perfect for personal use, gifting, or spreading the message of being fully known and fully loved.

Shop now to add a meaningful dimension to your daily reminders.